a nursery for children and families with additional needs

Registered Charity No. 1162118


About Us

We believe that every child should be given the same opportunities to achieve their full potential, regardless of their starting point or ability.

Peter Pan Nursery is based in Sherburn in Elmet, close to Leeds and Selby.  It was set up with 50p and 2 volunteers by our Founder Gwan Sykes in 1985.  She saw the need for local families requiring respite care and support due to disability, illness and other difficulties. 

We're a registered charity, governed by an amazing board of voluntary Trustees.  

We have a small team of qualified, experienced staff who are supported by our dedicated volunteers.


Our Nursery

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More about us

How we help

We are committed to supporting our families, ensuring that we work in partnership with parents/carers and value their involvement, working together to achieve the best outcome for every child.

We plan for each child using SMART targets to help achieve new skills and work alongside other professionals or agencies who may be involved.

We provide a warm, stimulating, safe environment in which children can thrive.

Who we care for

Places are available for children with additional needs, disabilities, illness, behaviour issues etc. 

We also support children who are typically developing, whose families are experiencing difficulties due to mental health, illness, disability, social care involvement, looked after children or where the family are in need of respite care and support.

Children are referred to us by a healthcare professional, although self referrals are considered.  This is to ensure we're supporting the families who need us the most.

For further support and advice on this, please contact our Nursery Manager to discuss your child's individual needs.

The Early Years
Foundation Stage

Play is a natural way for young people to learn.  We promote a play-based approach where children have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities through interacting with a wide range of resources and activities both indoors and out.

We encourage children to explore and investigate the world around them and promote their ongoing creativity, curiosity, learning and thinking providing the right support needed at the right time.


We ensure our nursery is well maintained at all times and we are extremely lucky to have the equipment and facilities we have.

We have a well stocked supply of toys that cover the seven areas of learning. We limit the number of toys available per session to avoid over-stimulating some of our children who are neuro diverse.

We have a sensory room where children can go to help self-regulate and relax.

Our changing area is equipped with an adjustable changing unit and is accessible to our main room.

We have two outdoor spaces, a large park with swings, a fully accessible roundabout and other fun activities.  Our other large outdoor area has an outdoor classroom for shade and a new sand area.

Meet Our Team




General Manager



Nursery Manager
Designated Safeguarding Lead



Deputy Nursery Manager



Senior Nursery Practitioner



Level 3 Apprentice Nursery Practitioner
Nursing Associate



Level 2 Apprentice Nursery Practitioner






























If you're interested in becoming a Volunteer

please email [email protected]


If you're interested in becoming a Volunteer

please email [email protected]


If you're interested in becoming a Volunteer

please email [email protected]


















If you're interested in becoming a Trustee

Please email [email protected]

What people say about us

Ofsted Quote -

"The calm, patient staff give children the time they need to 
manage and regulate their own behaviour."

Paediatric Physiotherapist Quote - 

"As a Physiotherapist that regularly visits Peter Pan Nursery as a setting for many of my complex needs patients I find them extremely accommodating.  They always put the child at the centre of everything they deliver.  They will actively seek opportunities to problem solve any challenging situations and are not at all phased by some of the very challenging cases."

NYCC Early Years Consultant Quote -

"Peter Pan Nursery puts the needs of each individual child and their family at the heart of everything they do.  The care by the Manager and staff is of the highest quality ensuring that the needs of each child and family are met on a day to day basis.  Carefully tailored provision ensures that learning and teaching is provided in a caring and fun environment where children thrive."

Parent Quote -

"Thank you for providing the sunshine in our lives to help our boys flourish.  Thank you for seeing the beauty when others would see deficit.  Thank you for your ongoing care and support!"

Parent Quote -

"I can't thank you enough for all you've done for my son.  He's changed and grown so much since he's started.  I wish he didn't have to leave as he loves his time with all of you so much." 

Nursing Student (Enrichment Placement) Quote -

"Thank you for making me feel so welcome.  I will take away lots of memories with yourselves and the children.  You are all fantastic!"


This policy has been devised to ensure that children who become unwell whilst at the nursery are treated with sensitivity and respect. It is also to help us to protect other children from illness and the spread of infection.

Children should not be left at nursery if they are unwell. If a child is unwell then they will prefer to be at home with their parents/carers rather than at nursery with their peers.


We will follow these procedures to ensure the welfare of all children within the nursery.

• If a child becomes ill during the nursery day, the child’s parents/carers will be contacted and asked to pick their child up as soon as possible. During this time the child will be cared for in a quiet, calm area with their key person or another familiar member of the team.
• Should a child have an infectious disease, such as sickness and diarrhoea, they should not return to nursery until they have been clear of symptoms for at least 48 hours.
• It is vital that we follow the advice given to us by the government and exclude specific contagious diseases, diarrhoea and vomiting, chickenpox, diphtheria, flu, hepatitis A, impetigo, measles, meningitis, mumps, rubella, scabies, scarlet fever, TB and whooping cough (see up to date exclusion table on the government website for further guidance) to protect other children in the nursery. Illnesses of these nature are very contagious and would put other children at risk of infection.
• If a contagious infection is identified within the nursery, parents/carers will be informed to enable them to spot the early signs of the illness. All equipment and resources will be cleaned and sterilised thoroughly to reduce the spread of infection.
• It is our policy to exclude children for 48 hours from starting a course of any new antibiotics.
• The nursery has the right to refuse admission to a child who is unwell. This decision will be taken by the Nursery Manager and is non-negotiable.
• Information about head lice is available upon request. All parents/carers are encouraged to regularly check their child’s hair. If a parent/carer find their child has got head lice, we would be very grateful if they could inform the nursery as soon as possible.

Meningitis Procedure

If a parent/carer informs the nursery that their child has Meningitis, the Nursery Manager will contact the Infection Control (IC) Nurse for their area and Ofsted. The IC Nurse will give guidance and support in each individual case.

If an Unwell or Infected Child Comes into Nursery

The Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager reserves the right to not accept a child who is unwell into nursery. The safety and wellbeing of our children is paramount and we do have to consider some of our more vulnerable children.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

All children must be kept away from nursery for a minimum of 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting. If a child is sent home from the nursery the 48 hour exclusion still applies. Therefore if your child is due in the following day, they will not be able to attend. Children should only return to nursery when they are well enough and have regained their appetite


All children must be kept away from the nursery for a minimum of 48 hours after their temperature has returned to normal.

If a child is sent home from the nursery the 48 hour exclusion still applies. Therefore if your child is due in the following day they will not be able to attend. The nursery will not administer any medication that has not been prescribed by their doctor, pharmacist or dentist e.g. Calpol, Nurofen etc.

Calpol, Nurofen (or similar medicines) must NOT be given to your child when they are attending nursery, as these can mask the signs of a temperature. If Calpol or similar medicine is given, your child should not attend nursery for a 12 hour period.

Nursery staff have the right to refuse to administer any medication with which they feel uncomfortable. Please can all parents/carers respect our staff’s decision. Our policies are in place to prevent infection from spreading within the nursery.

Covid & Respiratory Infections

Children with symptoms of respiratory infection (persistent cough/heavy cold/flu symptoms/high temperature) or generally feeling unwell, must stay at home and avoid contact with others. This is for a minimum of 5 days, and must not return to nursery until they no longer have symptoms or a negative covid test. They must also be 48 hours clear of a temperature before they return. We would recommend getting your child tested if possible.

Children with a positive Covid-19 test must stay at home for a minimum of 5 days and must only return if they no longer have symptoms and must also be 48 hours clear of a temperature.

If a Child Becomes Unwell Whilst at Nursery

If a child begins to show signs or symptoms that could pertain to illness they will firstly be comforted by staff, preferably the key person. This will be in the form of reassurance, both verbal and physical where appropriate, e.g. cuddles

As soon as a child shows signs of feeling unwell, the child’s key person or team member will complete a sickness monitoring form.

If possible the child’s key person will spend one to one time with the child, continually assessing their symptoms and recording them. Where necessary, they will administer first aid.

The Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager will be informed of any child who appears to be feeling unwell. If, after staff have done everything they can to make the child more comfortable and there is no sign of improvement, the Nursery Manager or the Deputy Manager, in conjunction with the child’s key worker, will discuss whether or not to contact the parent/carer to come and collect their child.

If it is deemed to be in the best interests of the child to go home, a member of staff will ring the parent/carer, obtaining the phone number from the child’s information folder, which is held in the secure filing cabinet in the office. The child’s symptoms will be explained and the parent/carer will be asked to collect their child.

If the nursery staff are unable to locate the parent/carer then they will go to the next person on the list, usually the second parent/carer, continuing down the list of authorised persons as necessary.

Whilst the child’s parent/carer are being contacted, the child will continue to be comforted by a member of staff.

Plenty of fluids will be offered to the child and if their temperature is higher or lower than usual, this will be addressed immediately. Any other symptoms will be treated as necessary.

The child will always be treated with the utmost sensitivity and respect. They will have a member of staff with them, preferably their key person until their parent/carer arrives to collect them.

The child will have privacy as much as possible and if required, will be moved to a quiet area away from the other children with a member of staff.

Should a child’s symptoms deteriorate whilst waiting for their parent/carer, the Nursery Manager will be informed immediately.

If the Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager feels that it’s necessary, they will call for an ambulance. A member of staff will inform the parent/carer to meet them at the hospital that their child has been taken to. First aid will be administered to the child where necessary.

Transporting Children to Hospital Procedure

• If Sickness is severe, an ambulance will be called immediately. A sick child will NEVER be transported in a member of staff’s vehicle.
• Whilst waiting for the ambulance, the parent/carer will be contacted and asked to meet at the hospital that the child is being taken to.
• A senior member of staff will accompany the child and will collect together and take with them the child’s registration form, medication and child’s Care Plan. A member of the management team will be informed immediately.
• Staff will remain calm at all times. Children who witness and incident may be affected by it and we will comfort and reassure them.

Calling an Ambulance

Dial 999 and ask for an ambulance, answer all questions honestly and clearly. When asked for our address and telephone number, use the following details:

Peter Pan Nursery
The Bungalow
North Crescent
Sherburn in Elmet
North Yorkshire
LS25 6DD

01977 681863

A member of staff, ideally the child’s key person if possible, will go with the child to the hospital, taking the child’s registration form, Care Plan and medication with them.

Reports should be written up by the Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager, the key person if they were present and any witnesses. These should be kept on file. Members of staff will be offered time out and an opportunity to discuss what happened and how they are feeling.

Febrile Convulsions, Anaphylactic Shock and any other Fit or Seizure

If a child has any of the above, an ambulance must be called immediately (unless stated otherwise in a child’s Care Plan) and the same steps taken as above.

Emergency medication for any of the above will be given by a trained member of staff only and will be administered as per each child’s individual Care Plan.


This policy is for protection of children who have been left at the nursery over the agreed collection time or once the nursery is closed.

The nursery has a duty of care to the children and parents to ensure that collection of very young children is made at the agreed time or within normal nursery opening hours. Late collection causes additional overheads and costs for the nursery and potentially unnecessary distress to a child.

Children remaining in our care after the agreed collection time or after normal opening hours must be supervised by a minimum of two members of staff, one of whom must be qualified.

We appreciate that sometimes there may be circumstances beyond parent/carer control affecting the prompt collection of your child. If you know you are going to be late collecting the child in your care please call at the earliest opportunity and discuss with the Nursery Manager or Senior Nursery Practitioner the arrangements for the collection. Please note that a late stay fee will still be chargeable, unless agreed otherwise, for example in exceptional circumstances.


All parents/carers will be given a fixe minute grace period on late collection of their child. If your child has still not been collected 5 minutes after the session has ended (1.05pm) then a £10 charge will be levied and for every ten minutes thereafter.

If you are late collecting your child, they will be cared for where possible, by their key worker and another member of staff. Yours child will be inside the nursery and reassured by the staff members. Any specific needs will be addressed.

If your child(ren) remains uncollected 5 minutes after the closing time:

A senior member of the nursery team will be made aware of the situation . No late fee will be charged unless this becomes a regular occurance.

If your child(ren) remains uncollected 5-10 minutes after the closing time:

The parents or carers will be contacted; a late stay fee will be collected of £10

If your child(ren) remains uncollected 10-20 minutes after the closing time:

The Nursery Manager/Deputy Nursery Manager will contact the first emergency contact on your child’s records. Please note this will not happen if they have been successful in contacting the parent/carer due to collect the child. Late stay fees will be collected of £20.

If your child(ren) remains uncollected 20-30 minutes after the closing time:

The Nursery Manager/Deputy Nursery Manager will call the second emergency contact on your child’s records. Please note, this will only happen if they are unable to contact the first emergency contact and the parent/carer has not contacted the nursery. Please note that the late stay fee will be collected of £30.

If your child(ren) remains uncollected 30 minutes after the closing time:

The Nursery Manager/Deputy Nursery Manager will contact the local authority’s Duty Assessment Team for advice on their next course of action. This will only happen if none of the child’s emergency numbers have made contact with the nursery. Please note that the late stay fee will be collected and charged at a level relative to the circumstances and lateness.


Ofsted will be notified in the event of collections after 30 minutes where no notification was given.

Late fees will billed and an invoice will be sent to you with payment due within 30 days of the invoice date.

Unreasonable and/or persistent lateness will be reviewed and may result in your child losing their place at nursery.

Please note that if the Nursery Manager/Deputy Manager sees fit, she may contact the local authority’s Duty Assessment Team earlier than it states in the set procedures for advice if necessary.

Emergency Duty Team
01609 780 780

Please inform the nursery of any changes in your contact details.

Please note that a full written report of the incident will be recorded and kept in the child’s file.

To maintain healthy development and growth children need to eat a nutritionally well balanced diet. As an Early Years setting we are in a strong position to influence and can contribute significantly to improving the health and well-being of your child. Good nutrition in early childhood can help to prevent a variety of health problems, both in the short term and later in life. There is increasing concern that many children are consuming too much fat, sugar and salt and too little fibre, fruit and vegetables.
Our aim is to share information with parents around the content of a healthy packed lunch and the balance of food groups that should be provided in a packed lunch.

We hope to positively promote the health and wellbeing of every child. We aim to support your child to foster a healthy attitude to food and work with you to ensure your child benefits from a balanced diet. Your child requires a balanced diet that includes daily intake of food groups; carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, protein, dairy and good fats that are low in sugar, salt and excess fat.
A child’s packed lunch should be based on the ‘Eatwell Plate’ model which shows items the 5 main food groups; (Food Standards Agency 2007). http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/the-eatwell-guide.aspx

Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta - these starchy foods are a healthy source of energy. Packed lunches should include 2 or more portions.
Fruit and Vegetables - these foods provide vitamins, minerals and fibre. Lunches should include at least 1 portion of fruit and 1 portion of vegetables / salad, or more.

Milk and Dairy foods - these foods provide calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Include 1 portion of these foods.

Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Pulses - these foods provide protein for growth. Packed lunches should include 1 portion of these foods

Drinks - any drinks provided in lunch boxes should only include either plain water, unsweetened fresh fruit juice, diluted fresh fruit juice, fruit or dairy based smoothies.

Guidelines recommend it is important not to fill up on too many foods that are high in fat and / or sugar at the expense of other more nutritious foods. Limiting high fat and sugar foods will help protect your child from becoming overweight as well as helping prevent tooth decay, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Sweets, chocolate, crisps, cereal bars, fruit bars, toffee/salted popcorn, squash (with added sugar) and fizzy drinks will not provide your child with a healthy diet and must not be include in the packed lunch. Other foods and drinks high in fat and / or sugar must not be included.

To ensure consistency and to ensure a packed lunch is in line with Food Agency standards, and ensures other children are not exposed to potential life threatening allergens and does not pose any choking hazards to your child or any other child, packed lunches must not contain the following:

• Nuts or nut products
• Fizzy / sugary drinks in cartons, bottles or cans
• Chocolate-coated products / sweets / confectionary
• Chocolate spread as a filling for sandwiches
• Chewing gum
• Sugared / toffee and salted popcorn
• Whole uncut round foods; grapes, cherries, blueberries, strawberries and cherry tomatoes

It is the responsibility of parents/carers to provide daily information around the allergens present within any homemade foods placed in a packed lunch. Please find details of the 14 major allergens here -


It is the responsibility of parents/carers to supply an appropriate packed lunch container with your child’s name clearly marked, where food items can be stored securely.
Peter Pan Nursery provides a healthy snack/breakfast in the morning and water and semi-skimmed milk throughout session.  

The setting is responsible for protecting the health and safety of all staff and volunteers in its services and has a duty of care in relation to their physical and emotional well-being. We believe that violence, threatening behaviour and abuse against staff are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Where such behaviour occurs, we will take all reasonable and appropriate action in support of our staff and volunteers.

• Staff and volunteers have a right to expect that their workplace is a safe environment, and that prompt and appropriate action will be taken on their behalf if they are subjected to abuse, threats, violence or harassment by parents, service users and other adults as they carry out their duties.

• The most common example of unreasonable behaviour is abusive or intimidating and aggressive language. If this occurs, the ultimate sanction, where informal action is not considered to be appropriate or has proved to be ineffective, is the withdrawal of permission to be on the premises.

• Where a person recklessly or intentionally applies unlawful force on another or puts another in fear of an immediate attack, it is an offence in law which constitutes an assault. We would normally expect the police to be contacted immediately.

There are three categories of assault, based on the severity of the injury to the victim.

1. Common Assault - involving the threat of immediate violence or causing minor injury (such as a graze, reddening of the skin or minor bruise).

2. Actual Bodily Harm - causing an injury which interferes with the health or comfort of the victim (such as multiple bruising, broken tooth or temporary sensory loss).

3. Grievous Bodily Harm - causing serious injury (such as a broken bone or an injury requiring lengthy treatment).

There is also an aggravated form of assault based upon the victim’s race, religion, disability or sexual orientation and other protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 which carries higher maximum penalties.

It is important to note that no physical attack or injury needs to have occurred for a common assault to have taken place. It is sufficient for a person to have been threatened with immediate violence and put in fear of a physical attack for an offence to have been committed.

Any staff member or volunteer who feels under threat or has been threatened, assaulted, or intimidated in the course of their work must report this immediately to their line manager who will follow the Nursery Manager’s procedures and guidance for responding.
999 should always be used when the immediate attendance of a police officer is required. The police support the use of 999 in all cases where:

- there is danger to life
- there is a likelihood of violence
- an assault is, or is believed to be, in progress
- the offender is on the premises
- the offence has just occurred, and an early arrest is likely

If it is not possible to speak when making a 999 call because it alerts an offender, cough quietly or make a noise on the line, then follow the prompts to dial 55 (mobiles only) for a silent call. Police may be able to trace the call and attend the premises.

Harassment and intimidation

Staff may find themselves subject to a pattern of persistent unreasonable behaviour from individual parents or service users. This behaviour may not be abusive or overtly aggressive but could be perceived as intimidating and oppressive. In these circumstances staff may face a barrage of constant demands or criticisms on an almost daily basis, in a variety of formats for instance, email or telephone. They may not be particularly taxing or serious when viewed in isolation but can have a cumulative effect over a period of undermining their confidence, well-being, and health. In extreme cases, the behaviour of the parent or other service user may constitute an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, whereby:

A person must not pursue a course of conduct:

(a) which amounts to harassment of another, and

(b) which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other.

If so, the police have powers to act against the offender. Such situations are rare but, when they do arise, they can have a damaging effect on staff and be very difficult to resolve. If the actions of a parent appear to be heading in this direction, staff should speak to their manager who will take appropriate action to support. This may include the manager sending a letter to the aggressor, warning them that their behaviour is unacceptable and may result in further action being taken against them. All incidents must be recorded and reported to the setting’s line manager.

Banning parents and other visitors from the premises

• Parents and some other visitors normally have implied permission to be on the premises at certain times and for certain purposes, and they will not therefore be trespassers unless the implied permission is withdrawn.

• If a parent or other person continues to behave unreasonably on the premises a letter will be sent to them from the trustees, withdrawing the implied permission for them to be there.

• Further breaches may lead to prosecution of the person concerned by the police and they are treated as a trespasser.

• Full records are kept of each incident, including details of any person(s) who witnessed the behaviour of the trespasser(s), since evidence will need to be provided to the Court.

Dealing with an incident

• We would normally expect all cases of assault, and all but the most minor of other incidents, to be regarded as serious matters which should be reported to the setting manager and/or the police and followed up with due care and attention.

• A record of the incident must be made whether the police are involved or not.

• Whilst acknowledging that service users i.e. parents and families, may themselves be under severe stress, it is never acceptable for them to behave aggressively towards staff and volunteers. Individual circumstances along with the nature of the threat are considered before further action is taken.

• All parties involved should consider the needs, views, feelings and wishes of the victim at every stage. We will ensure sympathetic and practical help, support and counselling is available to the victim both at the time of the incident and subsequently.

• A range of support can be obtained:

- from the setting manager, owners/directors/trustees and/or a staff colleague
- from Victim Support on giving evidence in court

• In non-urgent cases, where the incident is not thought to be an emergency, but police involvement is required, all staff and volunteers are aware of the non-emergency police contact number for the area.

• 999 calls receive an immediate response. Unless agreed at the time, non-emergency calls are normally attended within 8 hours (24 hours at the latest).

• When they attend the setting or service, the police will take written statements from the victim (including a ‘Victim Personal Statement’) and obtain evidence to investigate the offence in the most appropriate and effective manner.

• The police will also consider any views expressed by the setting manager and owner/directors/trustees as to the action they would like to see taken. The manager should speak to the victim and be aware of his or her views before confirming with the police how they wish them to proceed.

• In some cases the victim may be asked by the police if he/she wishes to make a complaint or allegation against the alleged offender. It is important to ensure that the victim can discuss the matter with their line manager, a colleague or friend before deciding on their response. It is helpful for the victim to be assured that, if there is a need subsequently to give evidence in court, support can be provided if it is not already available from Victim Support.

• The decision regarding whether an individual is prosecuted is made by the police or Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) based on the evidence and with due regard to other factors.

• After the incident has been dealt with, a risk assessment is done to identify preventative measures that can be put in place to minimise or prevent the incident occurring again.

Harassment or intimidation of staff by parents/visitors

• The Nursery Manager should contact their line manager for advice and support.

• Where the parent’s behaviour merits it, the Nursery Manager, with another member of staff present, should inform the parent clearly but sensitively that staff feel unduly harassed or intimidated and are considering making a complaint to the police if the behaviour does not desist or improve. The parent should be left in no doubt about the gravity of the situation and that this will be followed up with a letter drafted by the Nursery Manager but sent to their line manager for approval before being issued.

• The Nursery Manager and/or their line manager might wish to consider advising the parent to make a formal complaint. Information about how to complain is clearly displayed for parents and service users.

• If the investigation concludes that the parent’s expectations and demands are unreasonable, and that they are having a detrimental effect on staff, the findings can strengthen the setting manager’s position in further discussions with the parent and subsequently, if necessary, with the police.

Complaints relating to potential breaches of the EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare requirements will be managed according to the - Complaints procedure for parents and service users.

Further guidance

Complaint Investigation Record (Alliance 2021)
Reportable Incident Record (Alliance 2015) 

At Peter Pan Nursery it is our policy to have clear guidelines on arriving with your child and departure. This policy is in place to ensure the safety of each child as they arrive in nursery and to ensure all children depart safely at the end of their session.

In order to do this, please follow the procedure below:

• Parents /carers will not be permitted to enter the main room of the nursery. Your children must be dropped off at the side gate or main entrance door to the Nursery.

• Only one parent/carer to drop off and collect their child.

• When parents/carers are arriving to drop their child off at Nursery they are responsible for the care and wellbeing of their children, until that child enters the Nursery Provision.

Arrival of Children

It is our policy to give a warm welcome to each child/family upon arrival at the nursery. As children arrive in nursery staff will:

• Immediately record a child’s arrival time in the daily attendance register.

• Greet parents/carers and request any information from parents/carers regarding a child’s wellbeing which parents/carers feel needs to be shared with nursery staff.

• Record any specific information provided by the parent/carer which will support the child’s wellbeing whilst they are in the nursery.

• Ensure that where a child requires medication during the day the parent/carer has completed a medication consent form in line with the Accident Illness and Medication Policy.

Departure of Children

• On no account will staff child hand over a child to anyone other than the known parent/carer unless an agreement has been made at the time of arrival of the child that an alternative adult will be collecting the child.

• On departure, each child will immediately be signed out by a member of nursery staff on the daily attendance record to show that the child has left the premises.

Where a parent/carer has informed and agreed with nursery staff that an alternative named adult will be collecting the child, nursery staff will ask parents/carers to ensure that the following is in place:

• Parents/carers have informed staff working within their child’s room that they will not be collecting their child at the end of the session and have clearly informed staff about the adult who will be collecting the child. Only persons age over 16 years will be allowed to collect a child unless that person is the child’s parent.

• Parents/carers have provided staff with a description of the person who will be collecting the child, their name and relationship to the child, Staff will record this information.

• Parents/carers will agree a password, which staff will use to identify that the person collecting the child is the right person.

• Where possible parents/carers will bring the alternative person into the nursery prior to them collecting a child to introduce them to staff; this will help with identification at a later date when required.

The nursery’s prime focus is the care and safety of the children it cares for. All procedures are written with this is mind.

Adults arriving under the influence of alcohol.

• If an adult arrives to collect a child, whether this is the parent/carer or another designated adult (see above procedure), and they are deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the senior member of management on duty will assess whether the child’s safety and welfare may be impacted if released into this persons care.

• The decision will be discussed with the adult and where required an additional named adult will be contacted to collect the child or this will be referred to the duty social care worker if this is not possible. During this time another member of staff will care for the child so they are able to remain calm and engaged in play.

• Where an adult is deemed unsuitable to drive due to suspected alcohol or drugs consumption, and may endanger them and others if they do, the nursery will intervene and endeavour to prevent this individual from getting back into the vehicle.

• Nursery reserves the right to also report such matters to the police and/or social care, in the case of any employees, reserves the right to take disciplinary action as may be appropriate.

Arrivals and departures of visitors

• For arrivals and departures of visitors the appropriate records must be completed on entry and exit e.g. in the visitors book. All visitors must be supervised.

The designated person is The Nursery Manager, the back-up designated person is The Deputy Manager, Duty Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Tel: 01609 533080

Safeguarding roles

• All staff and volunteers recognise and know how to respond to signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is suffering from or likely to be suffering from harm. They understand that they have a responsibility to act immediately by discussing their concerns with the designated person or a named back-up designated person.

• The Nursery Manager and Deputy Manager are the designated person and back-up designated person, responsible for co-ordinating action taken by the setting to safeguard vulnerable children and adults.

• All concerns about the welfare of children in the setting should be reported to the designated person or the back-up designated person.

• The designated person ensures that all educators are alert to the indicators of abuse and neglect and understand how to identify and respond to these.

• The setting should not operate without an identified designated person at any time.

The designated person informs the designated officer about serious concerns as soon as they arise and agree the action to be taken, seeking further clarification if there are any doubts that the issue is safeguarding.

• If it is not possible to contact the designated officer, action to safeguard the child is taken first and the designated officer is informed later. If the designated officer is unavailable advice is sought from their line manager or equivalent.

• Issues which may require notifying to Ofsted are notified to the designated officer to make a decision regarding notification. The designated person must remain up to date with Ofsted reporting and notification requirements.

• If there is an incident, which may require reporting to RIDDOR the designated officer immediately seeks guidance from the Trustees. There continues to be a requirement that the designated officer follows legislative requirements in relation to reporting to RIDDOR. This is fully addressed in the Health and Safety procedures.

• The setting follows procedures of their Local Safeguarding Partners (LSP) for safeguarding and any specific safeguarding procedures such as responding to radicalisation/extremism concerns. Procedures are followed for managing allegations against staff, as well as for responding to concerns and complaints raised about quality or practice issues, whistle-blowing and escalation.

Responding to marks or injuries observed

• If a member of staff observes or is informed by a parent/carer of a mark or injury to a child that happened at home or elsewhere, the member of staff asks the parent/carer to complete and sign a pre-existing injury form. This is filed in the child’s personal file.

• The member of staff advises the designated person as soon as possible if there are safeguarding concerns about the circumstance of the injury.

• If there are concerns about the circumstances or explanation given, by the parent/carer and/or child, the designated person decides the course of action to be taken after reviewing the Child welfare and protection summary and completing a Safeguarding incident reporting form.

• If the mark or injury is noticed later in the day and the parent is not present, this is raised with the designated person.

• If there are concerns about the nature of the injury, and it is unlikely to have occurred at the setting, the designated person decides the course of action required and a Safeguarding incident reporting form is completed as above, taking into consideration any explanation given by the child.

• If there is a likelihood that the injury is recent and occurred at the setting, this is raised with the designated person.

• If there is no cause for further concern, a record is made on Tapestry and an Accident form is completed, with a note that the circumstances of the injury are not known.

• If the injury is unlikely to have occurred at the setting, this is raised with the designated person

• The parent/carer is advised at the earliest opportunity.

• If the parent believes that the injury was caused at the setting this is still recorded on an Accident form on Tapestry and an accurate record made of the discussion is made on the child’s personal file.

Responding to the signs and symptoms of abuse

• Concerns about the welfare of a child are discussed with the designated person without delay.

• A written record is made of the concern on Safeguarding incident reporting form as soon as possible.

• Concerns that a child is in immediate danger or at risk of significant harm are responded to immediately and if a referral is necessary this is made on the same working day.

Responding to a disclosure by a child

• When responding to a disclosure from a child, the aim is to get just enough information to take appropriate action.

• The educator listens carefully and calmly, allowing the child time to express what they want to say.

• Staff do not attempt to question the child but if they are not sure what the child said, or what they meant, they may prompt the child further by saying ‘tell me more about that’ or ‘show me again’.

• After the initial disclosure, staff speak immediately to the designated person. They do not further question or attempt to interview a child.

• If a child shows visible signs of abuse such as bruising or injury to any part of the body and it is age appropriate to do so, the key person will ask the child how it happened.

• When recording a child’s disclosure on a Safeguarding incident reporting form, their exact words are used as well as the exact words with which the member of staff responded.

• If marks or injuries are observed, these are recorded on a body diagram.

Decision making (all categories of abuse)

• The designated person makes a professional judgement about referring to other agencies, including Social Care using the Local Safeguarding Partnership (LSP) threshold document:

- Level 1: Child’s needs are being met. Universal support.
- Level 2: Universal Plus. Additional professional support is needed to meet child’s needs.
- Level 3: Universal Partnership Plus. Targeted Early Help. Coordinated response needed to address multiple or complex problems.
- Level 4: Specialist/Statutory intervention required. Children in acute need, likely to be experiencing, or at risk of experiencing significant harm.

• Staff are alert to indicators that a family may benefit from early help services and should discuss this with the designated person, also completing a Safeguarding incident reporting form if they have not already done so.
Seeking consent from parents/carers to share information before making a referral for early help (Tier 2/3*)
Parents are made aware of the setting’s Privacy Notice which explains the circumstances under which information about their child will be shared with other agencies. When a referral for early help is necessary, the designated person must always seek consent from the child’s parents to share information with the relevant agency.

• If consent is sought and withheld and there are concerns that a child may become at risk of significant harm without early intervention, there may be sufficient grounds to over-ride a parental decision to withhold consent.

• If a parent withholds consent, this information is included on any referral that is made to the local authority. In these circumstances a parent should still be told that the referral is being made beforehand (unless to do so may place a child at risk of harm).

*Tier 2: Children with additional needs, who may be vulnerable and showing early signs of abuse and/or neglect; their needs are not clear, not known or not being met. Tier 3: Children with complex multiple needs, requiring specialist services in order to achieve or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development or to prevent significant impairment of their health and development and/or who are disabled.

Informing parents when making a child protection referral

In most circumstances consent will not be required to make a child protection referral, because even if consent is refused, there is still a professional duty to act upon concerns and make a referral. When a child protection referral has been made, the designated person contacts the parents (only if agreed with social care) to inform them that a referral has been made, indicating the concerns that have been raised, unless social care advises that the parent should not be contacted until such time as their investigation, or the police investigation, is concluded. Parents are not informed prior to making a referral if:

- there is a possibility that a child may be put at risk of harm by discussion with a parent/carer, or if a serious offence may have been committed, as it is important that any potential police investigation is not jeopardised

- there are potential concerns about sexual abuse, fabricated illness, FGM or forced marriage

- contacting the parent puts another person at risk; situations where one parent may be at risk of harm, e.g. abuse; situations where it has not been possible to contact parents to seek their consent may cause delay to the referral being made

The designated person makes a professional judgment regarding whether consent (from a parent) should be sought before making a child protection referral as described above. They record their decision about informing or not informing parents along with an explanation for this decision. Advice will be sought from the appropriate children’s social work team if there is any doubt. Advice can also be sought from the designated officer.


• The designated person or back-up follows their LSP procedures for making a referral.

• If the designated person or their back-up is not on site, the most senior member of staff present takes responsibility for making the referral to social care.

• If a child is believed to be in immediate danger, or an incident occurs at the end of the session and staff are concerned about the child going home that day, then the Police and/or social care are contacted immediately.

• If the child is ‘safe’ because they are still in the setting, and there is time to do so, the senior member of staff contacts the setting’s designated officer for support.

• Arrangements for cover (as above) when the designated person and back-up designated person are not on-site are agreed in advance by the setting manager and clearly communicated to all staff.

Further recording

• Information is recorded using 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form, and a short summary entered on 06.1a Child welfare and protection summary. Discussion with parents and any further discussion with social care is recorded. If recording a conversation with parents that is significant, regarding the incident or a related issue, parents are asked to sign and date it a record of the conversation. It should be clearly recorded what action was taken, what the outcome was and any follow-up.

• If a referral was made, copies of all documents are kept and stored securely and confidentially (including copies in the child’s safeguarding file.

• Each member of staff/volunteer who has witnessed an incident or disclosure should also make a written statement on a Safeguarding incident reporting form, as above.

• The referral is recorded on a Child welfare and protection summary.

• Follow up phone calls to or from social care are recorded in the child’s file; with date, time, the name of the social care worker and what was said.

• Safeguarding records are kept up to date and made available for confidential access by the designated officer to allow continuity of support during closures or holiday periods.

Reporting a serious child protection incident using a Confidential safeguarding incident report form

• The designated person is responsible for reporting to the designated officer and seeking advice if required prior to making a referral as described above.

• For child protection concerns at Tier 3 and 4** it will be necessary for the designated person to complete a Confidential safeguarding incident report form and send it to the designated officer.

• Further briefings are sent to the designated officer when updates are received until the issue is concluded.

** Tier 3: Children with complex multiple needs, requiring specialist services in order to achieve or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development or to prevent significant impairment of their health and development and/or who are disabled. Tier 4: Children in acute need, who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm.

Professional disagreement/escalation process

• If an educator disagrees with a decision made by the designated person not to make a referral to social care they must initially discuss and try to resolve it with them.

• If the disagreement cannot be resolved with the designated person and the educator continues to feel a safeguarding referral is required then they discuss this with the designated officer.

• If issues cannot be resolved the whistle-blowing policy should be used, as set out below.

• Supervision sessions are also used to discuss concerns but this must not delay making safeguarding referrals.


The whistle blowing procedure must be followed in the first instance if:

- a criminal offence has been committed, is being committed or is likely to be committed
- a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to which he or she is subject. This includes non-compliance with policies and procedures, breaches of EYFS and/or registration requirements
- a miscarriage of justice has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur
- the health and safety of any individual has been, is being or is likely to be endangered
- the working environment has been, is being or is likely to be damaged;
- that information tending to show any matter falling within any one of the preceding clauses has been, is being or is likely to be deliberately concealed

There are 3 stages to raising concerns as follows:

1. If staff wish to raise or discuss any issues which might fall into the above categories, they should normally raise this issue with the Nursery Manager/Designated Person.

2. Staff who are unable to raise the issue with the Nursery Manager/Designated Person they should raise the issue with the Designated Officer.

3. If staff are still concerned after the investigation, or the matter is so serious that they cannot discuss it with the Nursery Manager, they should raise the matter with the General Manager. If it is not possible to discuss it with the General Manager, the board of trustees should be contacted. Contact numbers and email addresses are available at all times in the contact folder.
Ultimately, if an issue cannot be resolved and the member of staff believes a child remains at risk because the setting or the local authority have not responded appropriately, the NSPCC have introduced a whistle-blowing helpline 0800 028 0285 for professionals who believe that:

- their own or another employer will cover up the concern
- they will be treated unfairly by their own employer for complaining
- if they have already told their own employer and they have not responded

Female genital mutilation (FGM)

Educators should be alert to symptoms that would indicate that FGM has occurred, or may be about to occur, and take appropriate safeguarding action. Designated persons should contact the police immediately as well as refer to children’s services local authority social work if they believe that FGM may be about to occur.

It is illegal to undertake FGM or to assist anyone to enable them to practice FGM under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, it is an offence for a UK national or permanent UK resident to perform FGM in the UK or overseas. The practice is medically unnecessary and poses serious health risks to girls. FGM is mostly carried out on girls between the ages of 0-15, statistics indicate that in half of countries who practise FGM girls were cut before the age of 5. LSCB guidance must be followed in relation to FGM, and the designated person is informed regarding specific risks relating to the culture and ethnicity of children who may be attending their setting and shares this knowledge with staff.

Symptoms of FGM in very young girls may include difficulty walking, sitting or standing; painful urination and/or urinary tract infection; urinary retention; evidence of surgery; changes to nappy changing or toileting routines; injury to adjacent tissues; spends longer than normal in the bathroom or toilet; unusual and /or changed behaviour after an absence from the setting (including increased anxiety around adults or unwillingness to talk about home experiences or family holidays); parents are reluctant to allow child to undergo normal medical examinations; if an older sibling has undergone the procedure a younger sibling may be at risk; discussion about plans for an extended family holiday

Further guidance

NSPCC 24-hour FGM helpline: 0800 028 3550 or email [email protected]
Government help and advice: www.gov.uk/female-genital-mutilation

Children and young people vulnerable to extremism or radicalisation

Early years settings, schools and local authorities have a duty to identify and respond appropriately to concerns of any child or adult at risk of being drawn into terrorism. LSP’s have procedures which cover how professionals should respond to concerns that children or young people may be at risk of being influenced by or being made vulnerable by the risks of extremism.
There are potential safeguarding implications for children and young people who have close or extended family or friendship networks linked to involvement in extremism or terrorism.

• The designated person is required to familiarise themselves with LSP procedures, as well as online guidance including:

- Channel Duty guidance: Protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism www.gov.uk/government/publications/channel-and-prevent-multi-agency-panel-pmap-guidance

- Prevent Strategy (HMG 2011) www.gov.uk/government/publications/prevent-strategy-2011

• The prevent duty: for schools and childcare providers www.gov.uk/government/publications/protecting-children-from-radicalisation-the-prevent-duty

• The designated person should follow LSP guidance in relation to how to respond to concerns regarding extremism and ensure that staff know how to identify and raise any concerns in relation to this with them.

• The designated person must know how to refer concerns about risks of extremism/radicalisation to their LSP safeguarding team or the Channel panel, as appropriate.

• The designated person should also ensure that they and all other staff working with children and young people understand how to recognise that someone may be at risk of violent extremism.

• The designated person also ensures that all staff complete The Prevent Duty in an Early Years Environment and Understanding Children’s Rights and Equality and Inclusion in Early Years Settings online EduCare courses.

• If available in the area, the designated person should complete WRAP (or equivalent) training and support staff to access the training as offered by local authorities. WRAP training covers local arrangements for dealing with concerns that a child may be at risk of extremism and/or radicalisation.

• The designated person should understand the perceived terrorism risks in relation to the area that they deliver services in.
Parental consent for radicalisation referrals

LSP procedures are followed in relation to whether parental consent is necessary prior to making a referral about a concern that a child or adult may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism. It is good practice to seek the consent of the person, or for very young children, the consent of their parent/carer prior to making a referral, but it is not a requirement to seek consent before referring a concern regarding possible involvement in extremism or terrorism if it may put a child at risk, or if an offence may have been or may be committed. Advice should be sought from line managers and local agencies responsible for safeguarding, as to whether or not consent should be sought on a case-by-case basis. Designated persons should be mindful that discussion regarding potential referral due to concerns may be upsetting for the subject of the referral and their family. Initial advice regarding whether an incident meets a threshold for referral can be sought from the relevant local agency without specific details such as names of the family being given in certain circumstances.

Consent is required prior to any individual engaging with a Channel intervention. Consent is usually sought by Channel partners, but LSP procedures should be followed regarding this.

If there is a concern that a person is already involved in terrorist activity this must be reported to the Anti-Terrorist Hot Line 0800 789 321-Text/phone 0800 0324 539. Police can be contacted on 101.

Concerns about children affected by gang activity/serious youth violence

Educators should be aware that children can be put at risk by gang activity, both through participation in and as victims of gang violence. Whilst very young children will be very unlikely to become involved in gang activity they may potentially be put at risk by the involvement of others in their household in gangs, such as an adult sibling or a parent/carer. Designated persons should be familiar with their LSP guidance and procedures in relation to safeguarding children affected by gang activity and ensure this is followed where relevant.

Forced marriage/Honour based violence

Forced marriage is a marriage in which one or both spouses do not consent to the marriage but are forced into it. Duress can include physical, psychological, financial, sexual and emotional pressure. In the cases of some vulnerable adults who lack the capacity to consent coercion is not required for a marriage to be forced. A forced marriage is distinct from an arranged marriage. An arranged marriage may have family involvement in arranging the marriages, but crucially the choice of whether to accept the arrangement remains with the prospective spouses.

Forced marriage became criminalised in 2014. There are also civil powers for example a Forced Marriage Protection Order to protect both children and adults at risk of forced marriage and offers protection for those who have already been forced into marriage.
Risks in relation to forced marriage are high and it is important that educators ensure that anyone at risk of forced marriage is not put in further danger. If someone is believed to be at risk it is helpful to get as much practical information as possible, bearing in mind the need for absolute discretion, information that can be helpful will include things likes, names, addresses, passport numbers, national insurance numbers, details of travel arrangements, dates and location of any proposed wedding, names and dates of birth of prospective spouses, details of where and with whom they may be staying etc. Forced marriage can be linked to honour-based violence, which includes assault, imprisonment and murder. Honour based violence can be used to punish an individual for undermining what the family or community believes to be the correct code of behaviour.
In an emergency police should be contacted on 999.

Forced Marriage Unit can be contacted either by professionals or by potential victims seeking advice in relation to their concerns. The contact details are below.

• Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7008 0151
• Email: [email protected]
• Email for outreach work: [email protected]

Further guidance

Accident Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)
Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of Forced Marriage (HMG 2014) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/322307/HMG_MULTI_AGENCY_PRACTICE_GUIDELINES_v1_180614_FINAL.pdf 

Peter Pan Charity Shop



Shop Manager

Peter Pan Nursery is financially supported by our charity shop,
which is located just off Finkle Hill in Sherburn in Elmet
(behind Moorhouse Opticians).

Peter Pan Charity Shop
Finkle Court
Sherburn in Elmet
LS25 6EB

Tel: 01977 680810

We sell a wide range of items -

  • Clothing
  • Bric-a-brac
  • Electricals
  • Books
  • Toys
  • Shoes, bags, belts etc.
  • Equestrian
  • Jewellery

Follow our Charity Shop!



NFU Mutual - Selby

NFU Mutual in Selby have continued to support us with much needed funding over the last few years.


Al's Tyres

Al's Tyres in Sherburn in Elmet and their customers continue to raise much needed funds for us!


Cromwell Polythene

Cromwells in Sherburn in Elmet very kindly continue to donate bags for our recycling at our Charity Shop.


Northern Rockers

Northern Rockers have raised money and supported us for many years now.  We're so grateful for their recent donation of £1200.


Humdinger Foods
(Previously known as Kinnerton)

We're extremely grateful for the continued support of Humdinger Foods and previously Kinnerton



Huge thanks to Ejot for their continued support and donations over many years!


Cranswick Gourmet Bacon

Thanks to Cranswick in Sherburn in Elmet for raising over £1k for us!


The Fish Bank

Thank you to the Fish Bank in Sherburn in Elmet for raising money for us by selling bags in their shop.


Atlas FM

Huge thanks for Atlas FM's continued support.  Once again, they provided a free summer deep clean for our nursery.  


Peter Pan Nursery
The Bungalow
Sherburn in Elmet
North Yorkshire
LS25 6DD

Opening Times

Monday - Friday
9.15am - 1.00pm
Term Time Only

Follow Us!


Volunteering Opportunities


Could you make a difference?

Charity Shop
We are looking for volunteers with good people skills to help run our busy charity shop, could you spare 2 or more hours each week? Training will be provided.  It involves sorting donations, pricing and displaying donations, cash handling, cleaning etc.

We are looking for individuals who would love to support our qualified team at the nursery. You don't need to have a childcare qualification just a passion to support our children and offer them the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Full training will be provided.  We will also pay for the completion of a DBS.

Management Committee
Our voluntary management committee oversee and support our management team within the nursery. They make decisions together to help move the nursery forward in a positive way. They meet approximately 6 times a year and offer support at fundraising events when available. You need to be passionate about what we do, preferably with experience in either management, education or health care.

Gardening/Odd Jobs
Do you have some spare time and would be happy to come and weed, cut back bushes etc. at the nursery and/or charity shop.  Or perhaps you would be happy to do odd jobs, e.g. building flat pack furniture, painting, putting things up on the wall etc.

Would you be interested in joining our team to help out at ad-hock fundraising events, or calling round local businesses to request raffle prizes etc.  Or maybe you'd be interested in applying for grants for us? Training will be provided.

If interested in any of the above volunteering opportunities please
call Kay on - 01977 681863
or email - [email protected] 
